About Lyceum
“We need a school, we need such a school immediately,
a school which would have folk, native foundations,
because otherwise it will give, like everything we have,
faded colour with foreign blushes”
M.V. Lysenko
Kyiv State Music Lyceum named after M.V. Lysenko (KSML named after M.V. Lysenko) was until recently known as the Kyiv Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School named after M.V. Lysenko. This is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of training musicians-performers of a highly qualified concert profile, not only in Ukraine, but also in the entire Eastern European region. The high school for music students was opened in 1934 at the Kyiv State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (now the P.I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine), as a professional educational institution for gifted children. In 1944, the school was named after the outstanding Ukrainian composer, the founder of Ukrainian professional musical art – Mykola Vitaliiovych Lysenko. The main goal of the educational institution is to prepare gifted youth for admission to higher musical educational institutions. The indisputable advantage of specialized music education is the combination of specialized subjects with general ones in the educational process.
During its existence, the Lysenko school has trained more than 3,000 winners of international and all-Ukrainian competitions. The independence of Ukraine and its integration into the European cultural space opened wide possibilities for the team in expanding the “geography” of competitions. Young musicians participate and receive awards at competitions in Ukraine, as well as in Germany, France, Italy, England, Greece, Canada, Japan, the USA, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Belarus, etc.
The best musicians of Kyiv traditionally work at the lyceum. In the early years of the institution’s existence in the 20th century, the teaching team included such well-known masters of musical art as: K. Mykhailov, A. Lufer, A. Yankelevych, Yi. Slyvak, V. Yablonskyi. In the 21st century, the teaching staff includes 2 correspondent members of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 1 laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after T.H. Shevchenko, 3 people’s artists of Ukraine, 16 honoured artists of Ukraine, 4 Honoured Art Workers of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Cultural Workers of Ukraine, 12 professors, 10 associate professors, 4 doctors of science, 4 candidates of science. For more than 35 years of the school’s 85-year history, it was headed by Valentyn Panasovych Sherstiuk, Honoured Artist of Ukraine, Professor of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. Creative activity of V.P. Sherstiuk consisted of professional teaching and a wide range of music-propaganda, methodical-educational, organizational-social work.
Since June 2019, the director of the lyceum is Honoured Artist of Ukraine, Doctor of Cultural Studies, and Professor S.M. Volkov. It was he who, in order to support and preserve, initiated the introduction of the education system of KMSL named after M.V. Lysenko to the National List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine. After all, the teaching staff of the lyceum acts as a carrier and custodian of unique pedagogical experience in the field of music as a valuable intangible asset of Ukraine and the world. The artistic teaching staff of the school ensures the succession of almost a hundred years of experience and the preservation of the creative achievements of its students, by creating entire generations and dynasties of outstanding musicians.
The professional achievements of students are largely explained by ancient traditions and the fact that the lyceum implements in practice the most effective form of training of highly qualified professional musicians – training in the “lyceum-university” system, which corresponds to world views on solving educational problems. The Lyceum is proud of its graduates – people’s and honoured artists of Ukraine, laureates of international competitions, famous masters of musical art. Among them: I. Shamo, Ya. Frenkel, V. Kozhuhar, N. Shtarkman, Yu. Sytkovetskyi, V. Shaiinskyi, L. Dychko, R. Lysenko, L. Tsvirko, O. Riabov, V. Okhrymenko, V. Antonov , M. Stepanenko, Ye. Rzhanov, M. Pietukhov, O. Kozynenko, O. Bezuglyi, V. Horan, O. Klichevskyi, H. Chernenko, D. Kovalenko, M. Suk, V. Potapov, V. Tiurin, V .Shamo, O.Lyforenko, Yu. Kot, A. Melnykov, A. Vinokurov, V. Brodskyi, V. Shevel, K. Stetsenko, S. Shott, O. Yasko, V. Borysov, V. Koshuba, O. Dmytrenko, V. Bystriakov, O. Zlotnyk, V. Selivokhin, T. Petrynenko, P. Zibrov, H. Tatarchenko, and many others. A whole galaxy of talented musicians – graduates and students of the lyceum – became laureates of prestigious competitions in recent years, winning the sympathy of the public of different countries with their concert performances. These are O. Hryniuk, V. Lysytsia, M. Cherniavska, A. Komisarova, M. Danchenko, D. Proshchaiev, O. Semchuk, O. Polianskyi, Ye. Andrusenko, V. Kuprii, V. Hladkov, B. Stelmashenko, O. Vyshnevskyi, V. Zubkov, A. Bielov, D. Tkachenko, H. Nuzha, K. Danylenko, B. Pivnenko, D. Sukhoviienko, L. Akopova, A. Yaroshynskyi, Yu. Shved, P. Hintov, A. Liakhovych, Ye. Kostrytskyi, I. Horkun, O. Ivanchenko, V. Kholodenko, O. Chuhai, A. Dombrovska, I. Arbatska, H. Fedorova, M. Narodytska, O. Pushkarenko, I. Hintova, V. Luchenko, O. Voronchuk and others.
At all stages of the development of the lyceum, the general education cycle is an integral part of the educational process, the purpose of which is to educate future musicians.
In the 40s and 50s of the 20th century, masters of their field worked at the general education cycle: Ya.H. Tkachenko (the Ukrainian language and literature), M.A. Vasylieva (the Russian language and literature), I.P. Lysniak (mathematics), A.S. Livshyts (physics), Ye.D. Kuznetsova (chemistry), Ye.P. Kryvykh (biology), O.N. Malynovska and V.D. Popov (history), V.N. Yefremovych (geography) and others. In the 1960s and 1980s, the following talented teachers worked at the cycle: O.P. Leonenko, O.M. Siyatenko (the Ukrainian language and literature), L.M. Antonova, L.Ya. Aizenberg, T.I. Prokhorenko (the Russian language and literature), Ye.I. Zalieska, L.F. Kopylets, K.V. Podielska (foreign languages), V.S. Krasotina, O.H. Varyvoda (history), V.P. Shevel (biology), R.A. Filkenshtein (physics), V.I. Diudenko, L.P. Karnauch, O.V. Marchenko (mathematics), V.H. Rudakivska (chemistry), M.V. Kysliak, R.B. Poliska, L.I. Shevel, O.I. Yosypenko (teachers of junior classes), A.K. Nedielko (warfare), I.K. Zaiats, L.P. Sopova (physical education).
In different years, the general education cycle was headed by outstanding teachers: V.V. Kornienko (1984-1989), S.I. Zdaniuk (1989-1998, 2011-2014), S.M. Hrytsenko (1998 – 2005), N.V. Stefaniuk (2005 – 2011). Since 2014 Yu.V. Shvets works as the deputy director for educational work at the general education cycle.
Kyiv Lysenko State Music Lyceum is located in the picturesque Syretskyi Park of Kyiv. It has two three-story educational buildings containing 80 classrooms, 30 rooms for individual classes, sports and assembly halls.
KSML named after M.V. Lysenko is an educational institution where talented children from all over Ukraine study and live in a boarding house. The boarding house is a four-story dormitory building with an area of 2.5 thousand square meters. There is a medical office in the boarding house, students are provided with access to the Internet. Creating an atmosphere of home comfort for children is the task of the boarding house staff. Children are taught independence and tolerance. Lyceum students also spend their free time in creative pursuits, visiting concerts, theatres, and museums with their teachers, organizing interesting events in the boarding house.
Despite its many years of history, the lyceum today is a modern educational institution that harmoniously combines traditions and modern teaching methods, the high potential of teachers and the giftedness of students. Having passed more than 85-year path of formation and development, the lyceum has turned into a centre of professional musical education not only in Ukraine, but also beyond its borders, worthily asserting the glory of Ukrainian musical culture and multiplying its traditions. Young musicians who fill the lyceum auditoriums every day are the future of Ukrainian culture. They are the embodiment of the hopes of their parents and teachers for the future – carriers of the cultural heritage of Ukraine in the 21st century. It is this talented youth who will continue the creative achievements of the luminaries of Ukrainian musical art.