The educational system of the Kyiv Lysenko State Music Lyceum was developed in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Comprehensive General Secondary Education”, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Concept of National Patriotic Education of Children and Youth, measures to implement the Concept of National Patriotic Education and the Statute of the Lyceum. The main ideas that formed the basis of the educational system of the lyceum are the ideas of humanism, pedagogy of cooperation, and the formation of a safe educational space.
At the current stage, an educational institution should help the student to understand life correctly, because the life of a lyceum, unlike a family, is a more business-like, competitive environment. The art lyceum is primarily a space for self-realization of the child, here he does not prepare for life, but lives. And that is why it is important to build an educational space so that it contributes to the development of a harmonious personality that knows how to build relationships with other students, teachers, the lyceum and family.
The task of the lyceum teachers is to develop students’ critical thinking, to reveal their creative potential, a rich vocabulary, and the ability to independently make decisions and solve various problems, to form an active citizenship. In our opinion, an educational institution is obliged not only to provide thorough knowledge and experience for mastering a future profession, but also to form high moral qualities, a desire for self-education and self-improvement.
The goal of education is the formation of a competent, creative individual who successfully realizes himself in society as a citizen, artist, family man, and professional. The educational goal is common to all links of the educational system and is a criterion for the effectiveness of the educational process.
The content of education is a system of general cultural and national values and a set of socially significant personality qualities:
- Valuable attitude towards society and the state;
- Valuable attitude to art;
- Valuable attitude towards nature;
- Valuable attitude towards people;
- Valuable attitude to work;
- Valuable attitude towards oneself.